Monday, June 21, 2010

{S} and her pony ~ Teen Photographer Gilbert AZ


My daughter wanted some photos of her with her pony. We want to enlarge one of them for her wall in her bedroom with the vinyl lettering that says "horses leave hoofprints on your heart." Awww. I know.... but they do ...if you've ever owned one, you would know. Buster definitely leaves hoofprints. He's such a great pony.

But, throwing an animal into the photo is like adding a two year old:). Buster just wanted to graze on the long, green grass. He didn't even want to look when I shook a plastic bag at him (which normally horses will look at that and bring their ears forward for the pic). Silly pony. He just wanted to eat. We got some great shots, but she wants to try again. I guess that's what happens when your mom is the photographer. more try:) ...but I still like these shots!




